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The New Tryon Creek Bridge in SW Portland is Complete

For those of us living in South West Portland, SW Boones Ferry Road being closed has been a pain. It’s a major thoroughfare for the SW Portland community and it’s been closed for a long time. As of April 16, 2021, it has now reopened. Hurray! Curious why it was closed? Here’s the lowdown.

There is now a new bridge across SW Boones Ferry Road where it crosses the popular Tryon Creek. The Environmental Services Department completed this major habitat rehabilitation and bridge-building project to create and restore connections for fish wildlife and people. 

“The new Tryon Creek bridge allows the creek to flow freely. It replaces an aging culvert that had restricted water flow, causing erosion and flood surges and blocking fish and wildlife. The new 125-foot span includes two travel lanes, wide sidewalks, and a trail for people and wildlife underneath it.” according to The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services.

Construction of the SW Boones Ferry Bridge & Restoration project is on SW Boones Ferry Road, between SW Arnold Street and SW Comus Court. Now that the SW Boones Ferry Road is open, construction will continue for a short while longer to complete final items in preparation for opening the bridge, such as final pavement restoration work. To follow this improvement projects and to get updates about this work and future Portland Projects, sign up for updates here.