Ways To Get Rid Of Smoke Smell In The House
“If you’re a smoker, you probably don’t realize it, but for non-smokers, a house where someone has smoked is a truly unpleasant smell that seems to penetrate into everything: the walls, the furniture, the curtains, even your clothes.” stated a recent HGTV article. If you are looking to sell your house that has been smoked in, you’ll want to consider the smell and take actions towards reducing the smell before listing. However, thirdhand smoke also can have negative health affects.
“Thirdhand smoke is the residual smoke left on surfaces or clothing long after the primary and secondary smoke has gone away,” explained Peter DeCarlo, Ph.D., associate professor at Drexel University’s College of Engineering, who recently co-authored a study on the topic.
“Some preliminary studies show the harmful effects of thirdhand smoke in the laboratory. But research hasn’t yet examined it in humans, says Craig P. Hersh, MD, an associate professor at the Channing Division of Network Medicine and Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Research has shown that mice exposed to thirdhand smoke develop liver damage and changes in blood sugar and insulin levels similar to diabetes. Other studies found that the mice have an increased risk for thrombosis-based diseases and greater oxidative stress. That could contribute to the development of a fatty liver.” stated the same Healthline article.
The cleaning and removing of the residual smoke and associated smell may be difficult because it involves a lot of effort, time, and money.
In this article, you will be guided with detailed steps on how to get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke in your house.
Getting Rid Of Cigarette Smoke Smell In The House
Cigarette smoke smells are thirdhand smells that can easily permeate homes for a long period. Luckily, there are ways to fix the unpleasant smells that come from cigarettes. Below are some of these ways:
#1. Discard Smoking-Related Items
The first step to take is to discard every source of unpleasant smell in your home. Throw away all cigarette packets and lighters. Extinguish all cigarette butts properly, and be sure to clean out the ashtrays.
#2. Keep The Windows Open
The next step on how to get rid of the cigarette smoke smell is to open up the windows of the house immediately. The windows must be open before any cleanup begins.
This allows ventilation into the home to dissipate the smoke smell.
#3. Boost Air Circulation
You may want to make use of two ventilators to increase circulation. It also speeds up the removal of any unpleasant smell in the home.
One of the ventilators should be able to push air across the room, while the other one helps to expel air that has lost its freshness.
#4. Put On The Fans
Fans are easier and faster ways of pushing smelly air away. Place strong fans strategically around your house, pointing towards areas like your doors and windows.
The fans will increase airflow if you place them in the right places.
#5. Make Use Of Ozone Generators
Ozone Generators are good for deeply cleaning the air. It has long been a secret weapon to clear stubborn cigarette smoke smell.
With the process of oxidation, the generator removes all the smoke molecules attached to different parts of the house.
You may also need to look into having professionals come in to clean the home and look into removing furniture, carpet, window coverings, and wallpaper.
The smell of cigarettes is strong and can be harmful. The process to remove it can be lengthy and expensive. At Ash Creek, we are very familiar with the process and although it may deter conventional homebuyers, we are not deterred by a home that has been smoked in. If you are dealing with this particular situation, we’d like to chat with you about how you can avoid the costs and time associated with removing the smoke smell before selling your house.