selling home for cash

What is Needed to Sell a House for Cash?

What is Needed to Sell a House for Cash?

The real estate closing process is always tricky, whether you're a first-time seller or have done it a million times. Fortunately, accepting a cash offer simplifies the selling process because fewer parties are involved, there is less paperwork, the schedule can be accelerated, and the chance of the deal falling through is minimized.

5 Things To Know When Selling Your Condo

5 Things To Know When Selling Your Condo

If you're seeking to sell a condo that isn't in a major city (in Beaverton or McMinnville for example), you might be concerned about how long it will take to sell. But top real estate agents say not to worry—even in a densely populated location, condos appeal to a specific type of buyer: one who values convenience.

Can I Sell My House With Renters In It?

Can I Sell My House With Renters In It?

So you're getting ready to sell a rental? The fact is, selling a rental property isn't always simple, and there's a major difference between selling a vacant house and selling one that's inhabited. Cleaning up an empty home, working with an agent or sales platform, listing it, going through the dance of open houses, and hopefully selling it quickly is very straightforward. Selling a rented home, on the other hand, is a very different issue.

Best Time of Year to Sell My House

Best Time of Year to Sell My House

Sellers who want the best chance of getting their homes sold quickly and at a higher price need to know when the best time is to put them up for sale. An in-depth analysis of home sales data from 2009 through 2021 conducted by ATTOM Data Solutions shows that there are actually two optimal months. Find out in this week's article.